Paranormal or Not?
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Paranormal or Not?
"The Rev" Fitchburg,MA
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Is it real?

When one starts to research things beyond this plane of existence, there is always the question of it being real or just wishful thinking.

I like to believe there is a world beyond us, but, the unfortunate part is that until the time comes when we pass on we just really won't know, will we?

The thrill is in the chase.

When looking at photos of potential paranormal phenomenon its always questionable what we are looking at. There are things that may appear to be orbs or mist, but, are actually water drops, dust motes, flies, cigarette smoke etc. This article by Brian Schill gives a pretty good explanation of what is what when looking at photos.

There are things that are pretty good indications that something is of this earth rather than another dimension, such as 1) does the image appear in more than one photo? In that case, I would guess either something on the lens or a camera malfunction. 2) When getting a "mist", how was the weather? Remember, cold weather will create mist when we breathe and could potentially look like a mist. 3) are there tons of orbs in your photo? Chances are its dust. Perhaps spirits are having a party, but, not likely. Always look for the obvious explanation first!

A good example...

Kim and I went on a hunt with a general location in mind, but, nothing specific. We were in a town in Tewksbury, MA near a state hospital. The hospital is still functioning, but, there are parts of it that are closed off. Specifically, there are several houses once part of the place that are now boarded up all along one street.

While driving by the houses we decide to turn the car around and see this really cool looking house. Its boarded up, there is an old picket fence in front and the yard is all torn up. It looked like a typical storybook haunted house. Very cool find! I hop out to take some photos. While snapping photos it occurred to both of us (after an embarrassingly long time) that the house perhaps looked a little too perfect. That’s about the time we saw the admission booth. It was a haunted house left over from Halloween.

Lesson learned...sometimes a haunted house is just a haunted house!


*haunted* house
