Maine Youth Center
The Ladd School
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"The Rev" Fitchburg,MA
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Vale End Cemetary
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Maine Youth Center
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Former "reform school" for boys


A working youth correction center until sometime in the early to mid 1990's. The building stands on top of a hill overlooking the highway. Referred to "the castle on the hill" by locals.

The Maine Youth Center acted as an administrative building during the construction of what is now the new Youth Center sitting at the base of the hill. When the building was closed as a correctional center and most of the building declared unsafe, they closed off most of the upper three levels. Closing it off in the oddest manner, they added a ceiling without moving the staircases so the stairs appear to melt somewhere in the ceiling.

The main portion of the building is 4 stories, but the 4 towers on each side are 7 stories. It is an actual fact that back when the building was first built, sometime in the 1800's, children were shackled to the tower walls. It sounds rather medieval, but, people had very different ideas of how to discipline our wayward youth back in those days. There are still remainders of where the restraints were placed.



One of the tower rooms. Imagine spending time in here, in the dark, shackled to a wall.


And here is what remains of the shackles


